CMMO-ST-C5-1-DION (1512317) motor controller

Item number:


Fas­ten­ing type on con­nec­tion plate,
With Slot rail,
Per­ma­nently screwed
Prod­uct weight [g] 290
Dis­play Seven seg­ment dis­play
Per­mis­sion RCM mark,
c UL us - Listed (OL)
KC-​mark KC-​EMV
CE cer­tifi­cate (see de­c­la­ra­tion of con­for­mity) to EU EMC di­rec­tive,
to EU ma­chin­ery di­rec­tive
Bear­ing tem­per­a­ture [°C] -25 to 75
am­bi­ent tem­per­a­ture [°C] 0 to 50
UL - am­bi­ent tem­per­a­ture [°C] 0 to 40
Rel­a­tive hu­mid­ity 0 - 90 %,
Not con­dens­ing
Pro­tec­tion cat­e­gory IP40
Ma­te­r­ial in­for­ma­tion RoHs com­pli­ant
Nom­i­nal cur­rent load sup­ply [A] 6
Peak cur­rent load sup­ply [A] 8
Net­work fil­ter in­te­grated
Nom­i­nal volt­age load sup­ply DC [V] 24
Max. in­ter­me­di­ate cir­cuit volt­age DC [V] 28
Brak­ing re­sis­tance [Ohm] 15
Im­pulse power brak­ing re­sis­tance [kVA] 0,1
Nom­i­nal volt­age logic sup­ply DC [V] 24
Per­mit­ted range logic volt­age ± 15 %
Nom­i­nal cur­rent logic sup­ply [A] 0,3
Nom­i­nal out­put cur­rent [A] 5,7
Op­er­at­ing mode con­troller PWN, MOS­FET power end level,
P po­si­tion con­troller,
Cas­cade con­troller with,
PI speed con­troller,
Pro­por­tional and in­te­gral con­troller for cur­rent
Ad­justable cur­rent low­er­ing Via soft­ware
Step set­ting Via soft­ware
Pro­tec­tion func­tion I²t mon­i­tor­ing,
Drag error mon­i­tor­ing,
Soft­ware end­point de­tec­tion,
Volt­age black­out de­tec­tion,
Cur­rent mon­i­tor­ing,
Tem­per­a­ture mon­i­tor­ing
Nom­i­nal cur­rent set­ting Via soft­ware
Pa­ra­me­ter­is­ing in­ter­face Eth­er­net
Eth­er­net sup­ported pro­to­cols TCP/IP
Process cou­pling I/O cou­pling,
for 32 mo­bile sets
Rotor po­si­tion trans­ducer En­coder
Po­si­tion trans­ducer En­coder
En­coder input in­ter­face, prop­er­ties RS422
Quan­tity dig­i­tal logic in­puts 11
Switch­ing logic in­puts NPN (minus-​switching)
Prop­er­ties logic in­puts Gal­van­i­cally con­nected with logic po­ten­tial
Logic input spec­i­fi­ca­tion De­pend­ing on IEC 61131-​2
Work area logic input [V] 24
Quan­tity dig­i­tal logic out­puts 24 V DC 11
Switch­ing logic out­puts NPN (minus-​switching)
Prop­er­ties dig­i­tal logic out­puts Par­tially freely con­fig­urable,
Not gal­van­i­cally sep­a­rated
Max. cur­rent dig­i­tal logic out­puts [mA] 100
Safety func­tion Safe switched off torque (STO)
Safety In­tegrity Level (SIL) Safe switched off torque (STO) / SIL 3
Per­for­mance Level (PL) Safe Torque off (STO) / cat­e­gory 3, Per­for­mance Level e
Further information on OT-FESTO033629
Weight 290 g / pcs
Customs duty number 85044085
Manufacturer Festo

All data are to be understood as non-binding reference values! We do not assume liability for any data selection not confirmed in writing. Unless otherwise specified, pressure values refer to liquids from Group II at +20°C.
Immediately available
Weekend shipping

Simply order on the weekend by Sunday at 15:00 h (or if Monday is a public holiday, by Monday at 15:00 h) and you will receive your merchandise within Germany via GLS on the next working day by 12:00 h (charge: 5%, min. € 30,00).